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SAS Law LLP is an all-service law firm consisting of several experienced and emerging lawyers. For over three decades, the firm has been welcoming litigants and legal professionals through its doors, offering top-notch services to numerous clients across Pakistan and beyond. Its distinguished alumni have ascended to significant roles, serving as judges, bureaucrats, and legal advisors to esteemed organizations. The vision behind establishment of SAS Law LLP is a one-stop shop for all your legal needs. With a vast experience and a deep-rooted respect for legal ethics, SAS Law LLP entails trusted licensed legal advisors and advocates who regularly represent a diverse range of clients, from government and non-government entities to private individuals, corporations, banks, and overseas Pakistanis. With a robust track record of success in dispute resolution, the team members at SAS Law LLP have navigated through contentious and non-contentious legal matters with exceptional skill. With comprehensive expertise spanning civil, constitutional, criminal, and public interest litigation, we have carved a niche in various legal arenas. Additionally, the proficiency extends to areas like family and custody claims, employment disputes, intellectual property litigation, arbitration, mediation, and corporate and regulatory compliances. The team members at the Firm have a demonstrated and exceptional expertise in contracts, agreements, and other forms of conveyancing. With a proven track record, we bring a wealth of experience to every legal transaction, ensuring precision, compliance, and protection in every detail. Whether it's drafting, reviewing, or negotiating contracts, leases, or any form of conveyancing, our team's proficiency shines through. We specialize in tailoring solutions that safeguard your interests and promote smooth, secure transactions. Trust us to navigate the intricate legal landscape, guiding you through the complexities with confidence. Your contracts and conveyancing needs find their ideal partner in our firm, where excellence is the cornerstone of our service. With a wealth of experience and a commitment to excellence, we provide a wide range of legal services tailored to meet your unique needs. Our dedicated team of skilled attorneys combines expertise with affordability, ensuring that top-tier legal representation is accessible to all. At SAS Law LLP, we embrace modern technology tools to streamline our work, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in every case we handle. Whether you're seeking assistance in business law, family law, criminal defense, or any other legal matter, our firm is here to guide you with professionalism, compassion, and innovation. Your legal journey starts here.
Quis trud exercitation ullam laboris ut aliquip aute irure ...
Launch Date:30-11-2020
We provide international standard legal services, which combine local expertise with an innovative approach to assist our clients with the commercial and legal practicalities of business in Pakistan
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At Erdunt, our goal is to generate production by experts